I am an actor/writer for based in Dublin. I am a co-founder of Chaos Factory theatre company with Rachel Bergin and Venetia Bowe. I am also the co-founder of Two Sparks production company with Kate Gilmore.

As a screenwriter, I want to write bold, original stories that get into the guts of things, and explore the complexity of the human condition.

I am interested in writing both Film and TV, with a particular interest in writing drama for film, and comedy-drama for television.

I am fluent in the Irish language and also passionate that my work will straddle both English and Irish.

As a theatre artist, I am dedicated to making ambitious, contemporary theatre that experiments with form. I am most interested in creating work through collaborative processes and that is physically led. I am endlessly excited about the possibilities of live performance, the presence of the audience and exploring the relationship between performer and spectator. My relationship with theatre is constantly evolving but ultimately, I believe in its power to connect people, to understand the chaotic world we live in and to build a community in a particular space on a given night.

As an artist, I don’t have a singular methodology, but am always excited to find a new one for every new project. For me, each creative process is an opportunity to investigate a new way of working or new collaborations.

I love to move and most projects I create have an element physicality or exploration of the body at the centre of them.

The body is the thing. Move move move dance dance dance play.

TWENTY FIFTY, Dublin Fringe Festival 2020: by @simon_lazewski

TWENTY FIFTY, Dublin Fringe Festival 2020: by @simon_lazewski